One Million Bones Project

Skeleton bones pieced together, Washington DC National Mall Gallery

Skeleton bones pieced together, Washington DC National Mall Gallery

Look at how the bones are placed

Look at how the bones are placed

Washington DC National Mall Gallery Washington DC National Mall Gallery

“when we make something with our hands, it changes the way we feel, which changes the way we think, which changes the way we act.” -Naomi Natale 

I love when art is used as a means to create change especially on a global level. The One Million Bones Project is just that. I have been following this project for over a year now as it grew from a small scale project to a large installation in Washington DC. Spending the day walking around the National Mall Gallery in Washington DC, I was able to see the handmade marks and messages of hope that’s each bone held. There was so much to see, appreciate, and reflect  upon that day. These bones are true messages of hope, connection, belonging, and purpose. The powerful use of creativity and expression as a means to connect to an idea is one that I love exploring in the art room. I can’t wait to share more of my art adventures with you.

Miss. Beck

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