first grade

Grade 1, Self-portraits


First Graders from 1D and 1C 

First Graders have been learning how to draw a self-portraits in Art. Each portrait is so sweet and unique. Using observational skills, we have been studying our facial features and learning were they go. First graders were surprised to learn that their eyes go in the middle of their heads. Each facial feature was created using a simple geometric shape or Letter. For example, we used an uppercase U and two lower case u’s to create our noes. Cool right and realistic!   Using mirrors we studied the color of things like our eyes and hair. We used tempera cake for the first time to add color and bring our portraits to life.


Chloe 1C

Joe Joe 1C


Lucas 1C 

Our backgrounds were created using tissue paper squares! We used glue to apply the tissue paper and allow colors to bleed together. These just make me so happy!

Diwali Pinch Pots


Happy Diwali (today is the 5th and final day of Diwali)

First Graders are learning about Diwali, the “Festival of Lights”.  We learned that this festival celebrates the start of a New Year for Hindus living in India and around the world. We looked at and discussed the significance of the lights.  During the five-day celebration, small clay lamps, also known as Diyas, are filled with oil and lit to signify the triumph of light over darkness or good over evil. We are celebrating Diwali by creating our own Diyas pinch pots. First graders enjoyed working with clay, and using tools to create textures and designs. They are excited to glaze their pinch pots.
