Heart (symbol)

The heART of life


The heART of life

The heart shaped crayons that each child will receive on the first day of class are reminders of the individual talents, creative minds, and colorful voices that each child brings to the art room.  It is the students that make up the colors of an art room. As the school year begins, so too do my hopes for our year together.  With that said, I hope you dream big, take risks, play, experiment, ask questions, problem solve, show empathy towards others, and develop a deeper understanding of who you are.

When I was organizing and sorting materials for the upcoming school year I ended up with a bag full of crayons that were, “just too small to use, but too beautiful to throw away”. Reusing, when it comes to materials and ideas, will be something we revisit throughout the year. Using tiny heart shaped molds I began melting crayons and turning my house into a mini crayola factory. What began as small individual broken crayons, when melted formed one. Each heart is unique and special just like each of you! I can’t wait to begin our year together.
