
4th Grade, One-Point Perspective

Our 4th Graders have been busy exploring One-Point Perspective in cityscapes. Taking on a different perspective, students imaged they were high above a city looking down on rooftops, windows, people, and a planet. Aren’t they out of this world awesome!!


one point 1

 4 Wh

            We began by creating our rooftops, using basic geometric shapes. On the bottom of our paper we drew our vanishing point, which we learned is the place where everything disappears. Diagonal lines were then used to connect the shapes to our vanishing point. We learned two important rules when drawing our lines. One, never draw through one of your shapes and two, If you bump into another shape on your way to the VP, STOP and don’t pick up the line on the other side. Students did a fantastic job creating 3 dimension in their designs. Once complete, students were asked to design rooftops based on their interests. The only rule.. Be CREATIVE! Naturally a creative and imaginative bunch, this wasn’t hard.

Our backgrounds were done separately with complementary colors in mind. We also had fun using bellows for the first time to create a splattered effect with our new neon liquid watercolors. Other watercolor techniques were used to create texture in our design. I loved seeing our 4th Grader’s creativity come to life in these fun, very personal works of art.

Snow Day


My love of teaching, painting, and birds came together on this snowy day. This blue bird painting will be going to the Art Auction Friday, Feb. 7th.

I thought about my Second Graders as I painted my Blue Bird and watched as Cardinals flew by my window. Second Grade is drawing a blue bird or a cardinal for our Square 1 Art Project. Their ability to take risks, explore, and imagine inspires me everyday. I can’t wait to show you our wonderful Square 1 Art creations.

Stay safe and warm! Maybe even create some art.